I ran across Mark Thomas Miller’s post on Acing the JavaScript Interiew the other day and was a bit blown away. He covers an astounding array of information, from general interview tips, to design patterns, to programming paradigms, to some of the best practices for React hooks. He even has a small section on security. It’s a bit overwhelming that someone would put out this much content in a simple blog post, all in the interest of helping out other programmers pass their interviews.

(I got curious just how much he’d actually written and copied and pasted his post into Word. The count? Over 12,000 words. According to https://wordcounter.net/, that’s more than 26 pages at 12pt font size. Single-spaced. That’s an impressive amount of free content by anyone’s standard.)

I haven’t worked my way through the entire list yet—in fact I’ve barely begun!—but I’m planning on doing so with pen and notepad in hand.